Different types of Birds |
In Rock Garden Zoo, the cutest and most attractive birds down to the ugliest and awful looking species can be found.
Eagles and Parrots |
The white parrot above can actually speak some Tagalog words, but the most commonly pronounced is the word "panget" (it means "ugly" in English). I remember speaking with the oldest living white parrot in the zoo, that can pronounce lots of local Ilocano and Tagalog words. The more it hears, the more it imitates, the more it speaks. It just saddens me that its voice became very husky as it aged.
Love Birds, Monkey, Peacock, Head Over Heels |
The kissing birds, female peacock, the vampire monkey, and the upside down birdie! Where did I get all these names? Here, let me explain... FACTS: The budgerigar, a.k.a. love birds are fond of kissing their partners. They are known to be the most in-love specie of birds. Only female peacocks have colorful feathers - male ones have brown. Female peacocks open their colorful tail feathers to attract males. But how about the vampire monkey and the upside down birdie? Well, it goes like this - when I got near the monkey, it showed its sharp teeth, seemingly ready to bite my neck! Lastly, I named it the upside down birdie because it typically positions itself like a bat - yeah, really thought they're bats!
Nice.. :)) Cool.. hehehe Superb XD